Yep, here we are a blogging away for sure.
I'll have some topics to wite about now and then.
Things are fixin to get real busy for ol' dubber real soon, so he's catching up a little on the grunt work around here.
The last couple of days were spent cleaning out the Freeware Links deadwood. You may have noticed the 299 deleted Freeware Links.
Other tasks aroud here include updating the severely outdated "Essential Freeware List", rewriting the "Send to" tip that never really made sense, adding another chapter to "How to Find 2,000 Freeware Links, and I'm gonna get real brave and redo the "Home" page from scratch.
Now, I hope your nap is over and you can read my plea for you to post entries here about whatever is on your mind. This blog IS moderated and I have to approve posts ahead of time.
Got to go now. Hope your week is exciting and fruitful. Yeah right.
Posted by dubber6
at 11:43 PM CDT