I try out different Linux operating systems occasionally just to see how they are progressing in functionality and useability as compared to Windows operating systems. That's how I ran across "Damn Small Linux" as mentioned in my previous blog.
There are several excellent Linux operating systems now that will run from a CD or from you hard drive after you install it.
These are all free if you download them from the Internet. However, if you are on a dialup connection to the Internet, a download of a 650 megabyte file will take hours, if not days.
I was trying out a Linux operating system called Ubuntu and noticed that they offered to send Ubuntu to you at no cost. They would send the CDs free and even pay the shipping.
So, I ordered some Ubuntu CDs. About a month or so later a small package arrived that was full of Ubuntu CDs.
Included were Live and Install CDs in single cardboard folders for Windows(12), PowerPC(2), and AMD64(2) platforms.
Very nice, indeed. If you have been wanting to try out Linux, this is the cheapest and easiest way that I know of.