A good friend of mine asked me not long ago if I would like to have a copy of "White Box Enterprise Linux"(WBEL).
I had never heard of WBEL, but that didn't stop me from saying, "Sure!".
I let those CDs lay around a few days and finally had a chance to try them out on an old AMD 1000 box with 256 MB of PC100 memory. It had Windows ME on it and was just begging for an update.
The install was not uneventful. Midway through the first install something went wrong and I had to start over. The second attempt went smoothly and in due time WBL was ready for prime time.
All the hardware was recognized and the Internet connection was configured.
Those who are only familiar with Windows operating systems will like WBEL. Practically all of the Windows features are there and are presented in a way that you can recognize them immediately.
Of course I am not going to waste much of my time writing here or anywhere else about programs or OSs that I don't like.
I really like WBEL and would be perfectly happy using it from now on. As the title of this article says, WBEL is the closest thing to a Windows clone yet.
You can download WBEL for free at ftp://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/whiteboxlinux.org//4/en/iso/i386
Please be advised that the download is four CDs. Three of the CDs are 650 mb and the fourth is 300+ mb. Even a Broadband connection will take some time to download WBEL.
WBEL will ask you if you want to check the CD for errors. If you do check it for errors it will say that the CD is no good. Just ignore the warning and ciontinue with the install.
Posted by dubber6
at 1:42 AM CST