There are 2385 links to Freeware websites listed on this page. These linked websites can list Freeware sites, or individual
Freeware program links, or programs that are written by individuals who offer them to you for free.
Since you may be
on a slow dialup or for some other reason do not want to load this rather large page every time you look for Freeware sites,
I have divided this page into several pages listing only one to three letters of Freeware sites. Here are links to them:
A | B | C | D | E | F1 | F2 | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | X-Y-Z
Below, and at the bottom of this page, are more Alphabetical menus to use for direct access to Freeware sites on this page
beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Click on the one you want. At the end of each letter's list of sites is a link
to go back to the top of the page. So, if you are looking in the Y section, you can just click to go to the top of the page
and, once there, you can click on the C in the letters at the top and go right down to the C section. That's much easier than
scrolling up and down.
| A | B | C | D
| E | F | G | H | I | J
| K | L | M | N | O | P
| Q | R | S | T | U | V
| W | X | Y | Z | If you know what you are looking for, just click
on "Edit" at the top of your browser and then on "Find" and you can search this page very easily for whatever it is you are
looking for.
You can also just scroll down the page and stop at a random place and maybe find something that interests you. Websites that
I recommend most are in Caps.
Anyway, gentle reader, this page is here for you. Enjoy.
The links on this page were last checked manually by dubber
on December 22rd, 2006. Forty-five links were moved to the Deleted Freeware Links page.
A1 Javascripts More than 345 Cut and Paste Javascripts in 15 categories.
Aad Consulting Freeware 3J eMail Encryptor, Web Tarantula, BLUR, Vizual Einstein ME, Ezy Date
Getter, LITTLE Yellow Stickers, My Whiteboard, Bible Screensaver & Desktop, Bible Desktop & Verses Update, and two Screensavers.
Aaron's Apple II Programming Projects
The ENI Assembler, ProDOS Up-Dater, Minefield, The ENI Merge Utility, ProDOS Launcher, and Sparks.Added on: 17-Jan-2004
Alex King Software Tasks Pro, Tasks, Tasks Jr., Use Tasks, Photos, PHP Doc System, WordPress
Plugins, Hacks, Themes and Styles, Read it to Me, PunBB Mods, HTML Resume Template, JavaScript Functions, and Tools.
Alex's Favourite Freeware Downloads Fourteen
common Freeware downloads plus 9 programs by Alex. Last updated May 14, 2001. Added on: 31-Dec-2003
AlexSoft Free Games Free games. 16-bit: Dos(578), Win 3.0, 3.1(66). Action games(102). Added
on: 30-Dec-2003
Alkali Software Software-Eject Disc, Telescope, Computer Pet, PlanA Organiser, and KARL Chatbot.
Javascripts-AI Ping Pong AI Tic-Tac-Toe, Progressive Cipher, and Chatbot 3.0. Added on: 29-Jun-2004
AllBootDisks Free Boot disks for DOS through XP. Added on: 22-Mar-2004
Alloy Software Asset Navigator and Network Inventory Navigator
Ali Almossawi's Fun Pages Programs- PDP-8 Simulator, AAScripter, AADUN Pass
Revealer, AAEncoder, C++ Coder, EasyList, HappyClick, and AAClock.
Allscoop Free.NET Software Website Monitoring, Services Manager, IE Proxy Changer, Services Manager,
TCP Listener, Quick Image Transfer, Pregnancy Countdown Calculator, Get Header, Log File Merger, Kids Letter Game, and Pocket
Loan Calc for the Pocket PC.
Allstar Freeware
Around 300 freeware programs in several categories.
Aloha Oi Software Active Voice Tools, Diagnostics Control, Integration Master, RepView, aoMisc,
TaoADODataSet, TAuditFileLog, and TLanguageCenter. Added on: 22-Dec-2003
Antti Kurenniemi Software
Matrix screensaver, Find in Files, Image encrypter, System Information, Calendar, World time clock, Color selector, Text to
Html converter, and Deep thought generator.
from theACF FontList (Word Macro), Friendly Font Namer, Mandelbrot Set viewer (Javascript), and Yet Another
ID3 Tagger. Last updated 22 July 2001. Added on: 22-Dec-2003
Aptiva Toolbox Four common freeware programs. Added on: 26-Feb-2004
Arachnoid Freeware About Time, DataProspector, JTides, NetworkControl, PLCash, dbEdit, EasyTerm,
EasyTuner, File Processor, FTPthing, IcomControl, PHP Script Pages, QuickWatch Check Format Converter, RadioComm, Satellite
Finder, SlideProjector, Quoter, and PHP example control program listingAdded on: 31-May-2004
2D Programs, 3D Programs, Miscellaneous, DTP Programs, Web Programs, Video Programs, Sound Programs, and Graphics Programs)
categories with 1000+ links to programs and websites.
Asgard Freeware Pong for Nokia Communicator, Toastmaster Meeting Planner, FundBase, and Filesynch.
Added on: 26-Feb-2004
Ashleigh Gordon's Software Free .NET Barcode Control,
Free Barcode Report Generator for MS Access, Free MS Access Password Recover Utility, Free Simple Image Resize Utility, and
GOCR Frontend for Windows.
Kumar Freeware Modem Graph, Net Traffic, CPU Monitor, SWS Clock, LapTop Battery Monitor, Online Tester, Yatzzee,
Blackjack, and MammaGamma. Added on: 13-Jan-2004
Assorted Downloads Desert Driver, Maze game, Basic 3D Terrain Scene, Development Tracker, UIN
Extracker,Programming Articles, and Music.
Astronomical Free Software Links Planet's Visibility, Virtual Atlas of the Moon, Sky Charts,
Home Planet, Assorted Downloads, Alphacentauri, Iris, Avis-Fits Viewer, Stellar Magic, Image Tool 3, Niteview, Planetarium
Program HNSKY, and six more.
B. G. Software Last
Update: 10/07/2001. BGS-Setup, Language Editor, Tests Suite 2000, Calendariamo, WebPad, Program Manger, Mistery, Quick Theme
Builder, Impariamo, Indovina, Orologio Digitale, and Casse Matte. Added on: 20-Jan-2004
Eclypse Freeware Seven Black Sun Programs- Flashtray, Disk Recon, Texefex, Mousotron, ColorMania, and Magnifixer.
Plus a short list of links to other freeware.
Software B Beacon 5.2, MemoryElevator, Blues Player, BBSlowDown, Blue's Port Tool, Blue's Port Scanner, Blue's
ConAnalyzer, Blue's Private Chat, CD-Image converter and Misc stuff.
Blueee Software Morse a message, Number Puzzle, Tron, Animated cursors.
Bread Site Freeware Christian desktop themes, Bibles in several languages, and Christian related
utilities. Added on: 29-Feb-2004
Breezin Six
Programs-URL Spy, CRCheck32, NetConnect, EasyASCII, Skin Installer, and CRChecker.
Brian's PalmOS Device Corner AsciiChart, BatMon, CryptoPad, DES Journal, Diddlebug, Due Yesterday,
Progect, Projects, and ToDo2Memo.
Products Page Directory Info 3, Directory Info 4, MinApi, Number Converter, Password Retriever, Pythagorus,
SketchIT, SketchIT V2, and UKPad. Added on: 22-Mar-2004
B. W. Fitzpatrick Software Subversion, Apache Portable Runtime, Fire, mh-folder-manager.el,
broken-keyboard.el, cdlabelgen, and Last modified 27 February, 2002. Added on: 13-Feb-2004
B-Zone Software Boergn's 7 programs-Gallery Wizard, Splitz, Buttons & Tiles, Another Lens, Kaosd
Rhei, Just Notes!, and Tray-HQ.
C++, Visual C++ and MFC - Tips and Tricks
PHP-CHM Generator, FW3 to TXT converter,, Colormetric Lab Work, SerialConfig, Wave In Sensor, List Extractor, Reboot,
logoff utilitym, and Movie Encoding Bitrate Calculator.
Software TestDisk, PhotoRec, NTFS Driver, CmosPwd, and Lilo Password.Added on: 03-Jan-2004
Chami Software HTML-Kit, TextColorizer, URL2File, WhoIsNot Lite, Favicon Generator, JPEG Compressor,
CodeColorizer and LineCounter. Added on: 10-Jan-2004
CharlesWinton: Freeware List Adobe Acrobat Reader, Cygwin, Tera Term, SSH Secure Shell for Workstations,
and WS_FTP LE. Updated January 05, 2003. Added on: 27-Dec-2003 About 70 links to Freeware programs in 5 categories.
Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews Fifteen categories of Freeware with links to about
60 Freeware programs and sites. Also 18 online games and a weekly newsletter. Added on: 28-May-2004 Movie, Howard Stern, and Bush Countdown clocks.
Davide aka Bash Freeware UNDOReg , Harvester, Me Gustas Tu, CacoDemone,, and
Davide Libenzi Home Page Links to 20 programs,
five papers, and tons of assorted computer-related links.
Pye- My Freeware Lotto Calculator, Simple Budget, Simple Password, Search Page, Jokebook, Javascript Vault(700+),
GIF Vault(7,500+), and Nokia Logo Vault(4,000). Added on: 26-Dec-2003
David's Downloads Very Cool Digital Clock, AMD CPU Identifier, Get Your IP address, Adapter Watch,
IP Net Info tool, System Info Tool [no install], ATnotes, Tiny DOS, 3D Tracert Tool, Win XP Key Viewer, CPU Speed, Servant
Salamander, Stop-Watch, Playlist Maker, Disk Space Explorer, Cryp crap, and Scribble Notes to Yourself.
Debugmode Freeware Six
downloads-WinMorph, Morphing Editor, Wink Tutorial/Presentation Creator, Wax Media Editor, PluginPac Suite of Plugins, Image
Compression Toolbox, and DisC Decompilation Wizard. Last Modified - 08 Nov 2002
Decent Downloads Seven categories. Pretty good variety. 150+ Downloads.
Dejal Classic Freeware Older Mac OS Freeware- Quoter FKEY, SndRecorde, { Wrap } FKEY, SndCollector,
SimCity Bank, SimTower Bank, MacCheckers, Beep FKEY, Message FKEY, Say It FKEY, Shutdown FKEY, Volume Setter FKEY, 5-6-7 extension,
and Greetings extension. Added on: 29-Feb-2004
Freeware News Frequently updated news about Freeware programs and sites. Added on: 31-Mar-2004
Delayed Reaction Downloads for Windows
Final Word, 1769 King James Bible, FileSearcher, Alarm Clock, Web Page Checker, Conversions, Mileages, Logbook Database/Calculator
for Windows, and Excel 97 Workbook (for truck drivers). Added on: 26-Feb-2004
Delorie Software Zip Picker, Compatibility Viewer, Purifier, Lynx Viewer, Counter, Password Mgr,
Server Goodies, Icon Catalog, The Ace of Penguins, Hex Calculator, Bookstore, WebChess, TicTacToe, and Mazes.
Technologies Apple Freeware AntiWordService, Blue Service, Calc Service, EasyFind, Hot Service, Photostickies,
ThumbsUp, Word Service, and XMenu. Added on: 19-Jan-2004 Freeware SpeedswitchXP,
I8kfan, and DiceRTE. Added on: 05-Apr-2004
Amicabile's Home Page Eight home-made freeware programs-Discola Briscola, YATT, Folder Tree Creator, Simple
Timetable Manager, Gutenberg Reader, Play With Graphs, Stop IE & Observer.
Dienhart Free Software Daboo DBISAM Maintenance, Daboo DBISAM Maintenance 4, Perl Scripts, and
JavatScript and Perl snippets.
Digital Detective Snapview, FavURLview, AIM Password Decryption, Registry Info Extravtor, Text2Hex,
Date Time Decoder, Access Password Decryptor, MD5 Hashing Tools, Web Date, Stealer, and CookieView.
Digital Downloads Six categories and 46 downloads, plus Freeware game links.
Digi Tallis Developments SplashKiller, Kill your SplashScreens!, ResizeEnable, Turn non-resizeable
windows into resizeable windows!, ShortPopUp,and Bubbles.
Digital Liquid Freeware Five home-made programs-Quadrapong, Auto Installer, The Great Kazoo,
Liquid Saver, and Just Shoot the Thing.
Dilonardo Software Dilonardo
Music and Audio Tools, Left and Right Extractor, Dilonardo 3D Photos, Dilonardo Photos Mix, Dilonardo Game Edit, Games, Sergio2,
and Tests. Freeware DelgaBatt, CarbuCheck, Delgado Desktop, Loca Watch, Any List, Loca Watch LE,
DN Chrono ® Pro LE, VS MRU List Reset, and nDVD.
Freeware Page Updated June 13, 2002. Links to 8 common Windows Freeware programs.
Dog Breath Services EZ JavaScript, SoftNik: Good KeyWords, A Smaller Image, Paper Photo Cube,
PrePromote, Webpage-O-Matic, and 4 free Ebooks. Added on: 31-May-2004
DreamBreed Freeware DreamBirthday, DreamKana, and MultiDistribution. Added on: 11-Jan-2004
DreamLAN Freeware Nwsnake, sapmon,
schema, sortfile, smtp, rmLicIRF, ndsrep, license, fsutils, and binpass. Added on: 29-May-2004
Dr Hoilby HobRes32, CatchColor, OpenGL Infos, Explorer Patch (256 colors TrayIcons), HobComment
Explorer Extension, Mouse Jail, Who Lock Me ?, LockWindows (NEW), and ATI Wonder Remote - BSPlayer Plug'In (NEW)
DRIVER GUIDE More than 70,000 drivers to download.
DRK Software Daphne, DRKSpider, TCP/IP Builder,
NoCache, and DRKSocketSniffer.
Droopy Eyes Software
Popup Killer, Wav compressor, deBold, DIB controls, and FastStrings. Added on: 31-May-2004
DRZeus MooPlayer, CD Explorer, Disk space, Share kill, WBSD, openvpn-initscripts, openvpn-server,
OpenSync,initscripts-generic, and initscripts-vpn.
Associates GifClean32, VisiMapperPro LITE, and Html2Printf
DSK Freeware Games Five Freeware Games-Sectors of Death, Dave Gnukem, Liero, Chub Gam 3D: Directors
Cut, and Sk8park 2.
Freeware Emsa Logical 5, EZMem Optimizer, Emsa Time Synchronizer, Emsa Time Synchronizer, CD Tray Pal, CD
Tray Pal, CD Tray Pal, and Emsa FlexInfo Pro. Added on: 11-May-2004
Emulators Online Apple Macintosh Emulation, Atari ST Emulation, Atari 8-bit Emulation, Utilities,and
Beta Releases.
Emurasoft Products EmFTP,
Replace in Files, EmAvi, Block Breaker (Game), Emlith (Game), and EmPipe (Game)
Endem Software Duax 98 Lite, Duax 95, Allacs, WebStart, Copy-it Lite, and Colcod. Added on:
Engage Security Freeware
X, Engage packet builder, PassGenCE, IDScenter, and LiTe Packet sniffer.
ETE Free Entertainment Center MP3 Finder, Kazaa LimeWire Companion, Lord of Search, Kazaa Booster,
Artisan CD & DVD Burner, Sun CD & DVD Burner, AFreeRipper, AFreeConverter, Artisan DVD & DivX Player, Glory Player, and AdvancedDVDPlayer.
File Converters Converters-140+.
Mostly DOS, some Windows(25).
File Hungry- Freeware Links to Freeware programs
in Linux(33), PDA(49), MAC(35), and Windows(5148)
FileRecovery.Biz BootMaster Partition Recovery
& Rescue Disks, ntfsUndelete, ZefrJPG, Word Document Recovery, F-PROT for DOS Installer/Updater, and Clean Start Floppy Disk
Boot Driver. Added on: 03-Jan-2004
Files for Free
Seven categories with links to about 30 common Freeware programs.
Final Builds Site K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, QuickTime Alternative, Real Alternative, VideoLAN,
TMPGEnc, eMule, Nero CD-DVD Speed, NOD32 Anti-Virus, WinRAR, WinAce, DirectX, IrfanView, WinAmp, Ad-aware, and Skype. Added
on: 21-Feb-2004 Freeware
Ten categories- Lnks to 295 freeware applications. Added on: 13-Mar-2004
Firebolt Freeware Fire Client, Fire Portal, To Do : Daily Planner, Fire Start, Fire Server,
and Fire Quest. Added on: 24-Jan-2004
Freddys Free Utilities
Password Generator, YahRooLS, Emotion Creator, SMarTPost, and Smiley Utility. Added on: 18-Jan-2004
FRED'S CORNER FREEWARE Themes(36,000+), Screensavers(16,000+), Wallpaper(16,000+), Outlook
Stationery(7,200+), Mouse Pointer(910+), Background(620+), Incredimail(620+) and more. Added on: 13-Mar-2004
Free Acorn Software by Peter Hartley AADraw, Automaton Wars, CheckWeb, Enla, ExtrasLib, InterGif,
JTL (Just The Linux), ManyFonts, and Sort Your MP3s. Added on: 03-Mar-2004
FreeApps Four programs-GetInTrans, CD Library, EasyPlay, Modern Kitchen and CD Inspector.
FREE MUSIC SOFTWARE Free music software categorized by Operating System-Windows 95, Windows
98, Windows NT, Windows 3.1, Macintosh, DOS, Linux, OS/2, Atari, and BeOS. Lots of programs.
Freenett Nine categories, 59 downloads. Out of date.
FreeSoft AudioPlayer, Beta Software, Font
Lister, HTML Compress, IE5 Address Bar Editor, Meta Gen, Tray Launch, and X-Gen.
Free Software Ken Laninga's 66 favorite freeware programs.
Free Software (2) Doug Muth's freeware-Furball, Loadpaw, Nibbler, PHP DB Driver, PHP MySQL Driver,
PHP Postgres Driver, Scurry, Virtusergen, and Woodchuck.
Free Software by A. Madeira WebCounter, ServerStat, JPEG Viewer, XIU, Real Time Log Viewer,
BackUpUtil, IE Favorites Check, Carteiro, WCTeditor, and Mail Light. Added on: 31-May-2004
Free Software by Doug Muth Doug Muth's freeware-Furball, Loadpaw, Nibbler, PHP DB Driver, PHP
MySQL Driver, PHP Postgres Driver, Scurry, Virtusergen, and Woodchuck. Added on: 04-Dec-2003
Free Software by Scott Craig Solar Data
Plotting software, Connect Time Monitor, Fish Tank Data, Aquarium Unit Conversion, and Aquarium Data Manager. Added on: 10-Mar-2004
Free Software Developer CD to WAV/MP3 Ripper,
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, MP3 WAV Converter, and WMA MP3 Converter. Added on: 24-Jan-2004
Freeware by Michael Best
Sanscrit Fonts and Utilities. Last updated May 03, 2000.Added on: 22-Dec-2003
Freeware by Mikey Goldman. Cd Organizer2, Password Cracker, Kill The Files that don't Delete,
Password Organizer, Gnutella .56, ShortCuts Program, and Dont 4Get to P O T.
Freeware by Petr Mikulik Eighteen Mikulik Freeware programs, mostly DOS. Last update: February
Freeware File and Password Recovery Solutions
Hard Drive Recovery(22), Deleted File Recovery(12), CD and DVD Recovery(4), Floppy Recovery(6), Zip Drive and Digital Camera
Recovery(4), Corrupt File Recovery(19), and Password Recovery(33).
Freeware Software by Bálint Tóth Bali's Calc, C64ASM, DosInfo, Formula, Primes, Stefi, Ascii
Textfile Master, and C64Progs: Two Commodore 64 Programs. Added on: 17-Jan-2004
FREEWR- FREEWARE DOWNLOADS Business & Office(266), Development and Web Subcategories(245), Graphics
and Imaging(319), Home and Education(227), Internet(658), Multimedia(283), Security(298), and System Utilities(466) Freewr
delivers the goods. Great Freeware source.
Count Characters, Decode Shell Extension, DupBlock, Folder Synchronize Script Editor, Limit Edit, HexView, INI to Registry,
FS ZIP Extractor, TZAdjust, DBComp, SR Regular Expression Wizard, Word Search and Replace, Excel Search and Replace, and PowerPoint
Search and Replace Added on: 04-Dec-2003
Greg's Software Cheap Country Finder, Census32 Explorer, Html Peeker, CatHtml Right, Zip Peeker,
Sentmail for NewsWin, RegEnum, Explore For files, Checksum32, Instant Version Info, Version Peeker, Instant Shortcut Path,
IP Ad blocker, Active.dis reader, Priority Launcher, Url Shortcuts To Clipboard, and Tiny Unzipper. Added on: 29-Jan-2004
Greg Wolking's Home Page Scroller,
MultiRen, CrackUp, RoboType 2, FileAlbum, ContextEdit, and ListZapper.
Software Mac OS-X Cocoa Software: SumFun, Weather, and DNZ Reader. AutoBase for Palm OS: AutoBase and Note.
Other Palm OS Software: Alarming and MacPuzToPil. Newton Software: SuperCalc, PowerOff, NED Calc, DateSum, WordWar and NoteBut.
OSX 9: Simon and HOTicker
Herrmanns Stern Mapivi,
Mafima, Mapiso, Cascadix, and Other Perl stuff.
Home Plan Freeware Date Reminder, Regi
Dean's Recipes, Shopping List, Easy Image Converter, and Web Safe Colors. Last updated on 13 Nov 2003. Added on: 19-Dec-2003
Iamcal Software Noted,
Perl FUSE, Am I This or Not, About Time, Deskcam, Visual Graph, Slice, Crunch, Resource Explorer Pro, Explorer Shell Hacks,
Connect Flo, Utopia Chat System, Bugtrack, and Perl Modules. Added on: 31-Jan-2004
Ian's Freeware Logon Scripting QuickMap, Mail Drop, Selections, Passcode, and QuickNet.
Ian Sharpe Downloads RefreshIE, RefreshIE
2 Beta, YourCPL, MakeNewFolder v2, SetRes, Dial.exe, I-Search, PosiTweak, Random Tiling, APR Examples, Excel planner, and
Excel lottery numbers.
Ingemar's Freeware Site Last updated 1999-03-23. Colormaster, Quotations, and Registerbackup.
Added on: 03-Jun-2004
Inky's- My Programs Ala,
AllDone, Checker, CompCats, DService, FindFile, Normlize, PageFixer, Philip, RegSize, VcpCopy, Winsake, and Indonesia Delphi
Inmatrix Freeware oom Player, DVD Genie,
XML2Zoom, AVI FRate, AVI FourCC, AutoZoom, and AutoZoomIn.
Peace Free self-help software for inner peace
IronSpider Freeware Free
Graphics Editors(7), Free Text Editors(7), Free Online Site Analysis(9), and DNS Stuff.
It's Free 4 U Twelve categories of Freeware. Lots of Subcategories with a good selection
in each.
IT Solutions and Services Java
Mailserver, Java Proxyserver, Java Harmony, PESX, ICONX, PE Analyzer, DLL Informant, and Annotatert. Added on: 16-Mar-2004
Javier Thaine's
Software Archive Peek, Wave Enhancer, Cactus City, Collège de Montréal: Secondaire 2, The World, Europe, Canada,
3D World, and Desert. Last updated on November 30, 2002.
Bondy Freeware Clipper, Duplicate Picture Finder, Image Viewer, Stirling Engine Simulators, Engine Tachometer
and Dynamometer, and Steganography.
Jon Grieve's Freeware Dial-Up
Networking Monitor, Memory Monitor, Disk Space Monitor, CPU Monitor, Scope, Scatter Screen Saver, and Toys & Tools. Added
on: 11-Jan-2004
Joshua Schwarz Software Highway Scramble, SEVA, Prime Search, Day Simulation, Membership Database,
The Guessing Game, and The Right Triangle Calculator.
JPG Sijm Freeware Poppy, Booky, HTMLXlat, and XML-RPCCOM.Added on: 30-Dec-2003
Kai's Home Page- Freeware InProTrack, mINI, ObjectReCreator, ConfigMaint/2, and Toronto Virtual
File System. Last updated 01.01.02. Added on: 26-Dec-2003.
LadyK Free Software Six
categories with links to 177 Freeware programs. Added on: 09-Apr-2004
Lake Software Six categories with links to 177 Freeware progframs.Added on: 09-Apr-2004
Language Museum Freeware eShop Builder,
Japanese-English-Chinese Dictionary, Japanese Notepad, Chinese-Korean Convertor, Email Address Generator, Email Address Encryptor,
Anonymous Email, and Meta Tag Generator.
Lars Wirzenius Freeware Lodju, Enemies of Carlotta, copynntp, larpml, liwc, publib-dev, python-liw,
SeX, syslog-summary, texmalli, and kirjavaliot-fortune.Added on: 17-Jan-2004
Magic Tree Freeware Filenote, Code2HTML, Photo Scale and Rotate, GIFnJPG Browser, HTML Image
Index, and JPEG Photo Organizer. Last updated October 31, 2002.
Maz Cd Grabbers Page Maz's 9 Favorite Freeware CD programs. Last updated 12-Jun-2002.
Mazzot Downloads ByteShelter I, StarSlayer
II, anf StarSlayer version 1.0.
MdG's Computing
Page De Groot Random Number Generator, Assembly-language Discrete Fourier Transform, DeMon, Primordial Soup,
Un*x Forth, Dispatchmail, Metadefining word for Forth, and World Population Indicator.
MEI Antenna Freeware Page Last updatedAugust 20, 2000. Directivity Estimator, Return Loss (dB)
to VSWR converter, VSWR to Return Loss (dB) converter, and Antenna Simulator.
Michael J. Cleary- OS/390, z/OS
Freeware Change Dataset Control Block, Dataset Audit Facility, Global Resource Serialization ISPF Interface,
Michael's program farm Applications, Bioinfomatics, Scripts/Other Stuff, Debugging Tools, Java
Stuff, Linux Stuff, Web Bots, and Junk Yard.
Michael Schmitz Technologies Games Tangent Pong, Chair Equals Money, Keep of the Demon Lord,
Schmitriz, Boxed, Lights Out, Schnake, Othello, and Casino World.
Micky's Software Homepage Micky's Breakout, Icon Folder Changer, APPTimer, MonUrl, ADBuster,
Legend of Arms, Turn based battle, 3D Texture package, and a Level Editor.
Morequick Tols QuickCD, QuickSplit, XDos, and Green Browser.
MouseTrax Freeware NetBIOS Name Retriever, Word Directory Cataloger, Word Options Utility,
Word Crayon, Word Backup Utility, MouseTrax File Cataloger, MouseTrax Image Cataloger, List All Programs, Temp Scrubber, WSH
Script HTML Cleanup, Font Sample Generator, Section Manager Macro, and frmCustomTables.frm.
MrCeri Software Salary Timer, Hobo Boxing, Countdown Timer, Disk Prodder, Net Send, Simple Encrypt,
Raise Calculator, Tax Calculator, Name Generator, and Movie Name Hangman.
Nedwolf Free Software Seven Freeware Categories (99 programs).Portable Freeware(29), Web Developer
Tools(29), Online Apps(30), Freeware Website List(32), and more.
Neoelite Products Games:
194x, Hit The Ball, Street Racing, and Men Of War. Programs: NIM, DVD Player, NeoOZ 2, Fake Telnet(s), Greens War, and Login
Logger. Scripts: (10). Other: (2).
PathFinder's Freeware Wincode, Rawrite, checkcert, createspf, Perl Language, and HM.COM.
Patrick Computer Services Freeware Alan's
Math, Alan's Fractions, ASCII ToolBox, File Unite, Filename Locator, Copy At, and Pick 3 Analyzer. AIM FixDC, ExTemp, BinaryClock, AutoBG, SpriteMaster, TextEncrypter, PeSHyTalk,
HTML Fader, HTML Neutralizer, QuickLock, TT Calculator, EZ Uptime, and PeerChat. DOS-QPack, C-Strobe, and C-Fade.
Phatsoft Software Mircscript
mp3 player, Autoplay, JoyMouse, and TMR.
Phax' programs FArc
for DOS and Win32, GTUI for Win32, GetEQExe for DOS and Win32, GetEXETyp for DOS, GetTyp for DOS and Win32, BP7Patch for DOS,
ListNE, and ZIPC for DOS.
Pierre-Marie Devigne Freeware Five programs-ChangeExtension, Cookies Manager, Change Icon, Taskbar
Activate, and Internet Cache Cleaner. Last updated 18-mar-2001.
Portable USB Drive Apps Seven categories with 59 Freewware applications that may be run straight
from a USB drive.
Power Applications Debugger
Selector, Web Services Studio, ChitChat for LAN, WinChange 2003, S.M.A.R.T. Disk, IP Time Synchronizer, Get IP, Address Book,
Project Cleaner, Essquelle, Ultra CD, and Cool Tools.
PP's Freeware About 20 netware, Linux and Windows, Freeware programs. Updated February 28, 2003.
Quantum Whale SafeMail, Clock Screen Saver , and Outlook Express Tweaker. Nslookup2002 and Rescue CD Enhance. Added on: 13-Jan-2004
Quick Web Design Tools Quick Colour Picker, Quick PopUp, Quick Obscure, and Mugshot. Added on:
Quick Zip Quick Zip, Quick Zip Lite,
and 100K_Zipper. Added on: 14-Jan-2004
Quinn's Software Development SystemFolderDiff, Internet Config, Dvorak Keyboards, Anarchie Guide,
Users and Groups Scripting Addition, Snapshotter, and HC11 Tools. Added on: 17-Jan-2004
rGyaniZone WinWinner, WinDialer, WallWinner,
Tic Tac Toe, and Love Calci.
RH Designs TV
Viewer, Snake, Panic on the stock exchange, Bacterion, Gallery Creator, Mouse Emulator, Easy Scroller, Apple Mouse, and Dark
Omen Game Commander.
Rhubarb's Links Links
to nineteen Freeware sites and about 40 common programs.
AnonyNews, RCcrypt, Rabid Rabbit, RSpell, TaskMan, Prime Numbers, Port Scanner,and Mandelbrot.
Sebastian Thomschke Software MyPad, Djembé, VBA Timer Example, Multiple Undos Class, High Precision
Timer, Unqiue Visitors Counter, and PHP Operating System
Sheep Friends Abby Converter, Billy Audio
Player, Diana Notetaker/Calendar, Hawk Hexfile viewer, Kelly Desktop Calculator, and Natty Mail checker/Notification
Shah Freeware Outlook Quote, Visual Music, 15+ Programmer's Tools And Utilities, Favorite Links In Zip File,
and Messanger - Send Windows NT Messages To Users.
Shroud of Turin Downloads Final Word, 1769 King James Bible, FileSearcher, FileSearcher II, Stay
Online, Alarm Clock, Web Page Checker, Conversions, Mileages, Logbook Database/Calculatorfor Windows, and Excel 97 Workbook.
Siam Software Remote Control, MysteryBrowser, 1000day,
Kwikexit, and Biorhytm
SoftwareClub Downloads SC DVD Ripper
and Burner,SC FTP and Download manager,SC Icon Editor, SC Image Viewer,SC Mp3 Seeker, Sc MP3 - Wav Converter, SC Net Speed
Booster, SC Net Speeder Lite, SC System Tuner, SC Video Converter, SC Video Cut and Split, and SC Video Decompiler
Software Professional
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